Embody your true nature

At the Zen Community of Oregon we teach Zen practice in fresh and diverse ways – trusting that all people have the potential to actualize their innate truth and love.

 Rooted in authentic Buddhist lineage, our founders Chozen and Hogen Roshis studied Zen under Taizan Maezumi Roshi, who synthesized a style from the two major Zen schools of Japan, Soto and Rinzai. In the Zen Community of Oregon, the dynamism and stability of these two paths continue to evolve with practices and influences from Theravadin & Tibetan Buddhism, as well as western psychological approaches.

Great Vow Zen Monastery

A residential Zen community of lay and ordained people practicing and evolving spiritual community in response to our times. Grounded in our lineage inheritance, with an eye open to perspectives and methods that serve our vow for Awakening, we aspire to an inclusive Buddha-dharma.

Heart of Wisdom Zen Temple

Located in northeast Portland, Heart of Wisdom is a sanctuary of serenity and community where a spectrum of Buddhist teachings are offered ranging from daily meditation to social action initiatives.